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Picture this…

You’re on the 8am train, holding a mug of steaming hot coffee, as you stifle back a yawn and look forlornly out the window.

The scenery zooms past as your mind begins to wander, blurring your focus as you slowly drift into a waking sleep.

You’re not even sure what day it is, but your dulled mind is suddenly dragged back to reality, as your phone pings, with an early morning text from your boss.

“You’re late! We need you ASAP, where are you?”

Sighing inaudibly, you turn your phone screen off, letting yourself stare out the window once more, as suddenly memories of a distant childhood full of dreams erupt in your mind.

Suddenly, you’re questioning your life choices and how it all ended up like this.

Are you surprised by this trigger?

In the inaugural edition of The Path Toward Purpose we’re going to explore Why Most People Get Stuck In Life - where we sometimes find ourselves trapped in situations we never dreamt we’d end up in.

Let’s get into it…

🏛️ The Foundations of Getting Stuck

Feeling stuck is a common problem, not only for Millennials, but for the majority of working class individuals in the 21st century.

From a young age, you’ve been boxed into a system that wasn’t designed for you, but was created to ensnare you to help the world keep spinning.

Some find a deep level of meaning from their work, while others know that at their core, they haven’t come close to unlocking their true potential.

This feeling of unfulfilled potential can create a lot of internal strife, leading to you feeling stuck and quietly frustrated.

🧠 The Mental Framework

You’re the creator of your life.

You’re the manifestor.

You have a choice to determine your fate and if you believe you DON’T have a choice, then ultimately, someone else is going to choose for you.

It’s why your self-awareness is key to changing the game entirely to create an existence you find purposeful and meaningful.

You don’t have to be a superhero, you don’t even have to be anything to anyone - because purpose is utterly and completely intrinsic to you.

🛠️ How-To Apply This

Alright, so how can you make a change today and create progress towards getting unstuck?

It’s all about your core values.

What do you truly value in life?

Not just in a material sense, but in terms of your values you hold dear. Beliefs and attitudes that define your identity and give you a sense of purpose and meaning in all of your endeavours. If you’re not clear on your values, I’m going to provide you with a guideline below.

From the table below, pick your top 3 core values. This is where the magic happens.

Now you’ve had a think about which core values hold meaning for you, it’s time to dig deep and ask yourself the following questions.

1. Is your everyday life in accordance with your core values?

2. Are you living true to yourself, or are you instead following a narrative constructed by someone else?

3. Are your core values continuously disrespected by those around you?

4. Have you chosen to ignore your gut instincts to pursue a life of pleasure?

5. Are you deciding to settle for less, even though you know that a life aligned to your values will be meaningful?

These questions are designed to help you get clear on where it might have gone awry for you. Getting unstuck requires you to get clear on your foundations and exactly why you feel stuck.

To move forward, it needs to become apparent whether important life changes must be made for you to feel like you’re on the right path.

🚀 Next Steps

When you begin to live in accordance with your core values, you begin to walk the path of purpose. It’s the compass that will lead you to your true North Star.

The final question I'd like to leave you with today - If you've become aware that you're not leading a life in alignment to your core values, what holds you back from making a change?

Creating a fulfilled life isn’t just a dream, it’s a reality if you make the right steps.

Next week, I’m going to show you one method to immediately take a step in the right direction. Looking forward to sharing it with you!